Low Cement Silicon Carbide Castable – High Spalling Resistance

Low cement castables are prone to bursting, peeling, lining peeling, and cracking during baking after demoulding and intermittent frequent furnace shutdown and opening, which affects the service life of low cement castables. Therefore, improving and enhancing the explosion-proof performance and thermal shock stability of low cement castables is of great help to the application of low cement castables. Low cement silicon carbide castables – high anti-stripping performance. Adding silicon carbide to low cement castables can improve the anti-stripping performance.

How to Improve the Explosion-Proof Performance of Low-Cement Castables?

In order to improve the explosion-proof performance of low-cement castables, we can add explosion-proof fibers to low-cement castables. When heated and baked after demoulding, the explosion-proof fibers in the explosion-proof low-cement castable shrink, melt, and form elongated pores in the castable. The number of open exhaust holes inside the castable is increased, and the air permeability of the castable is improved. This accelerates the discharge of water vapor, thereby improving the anti-burst performance of the castable and improving the explosion-proof performance of the castable.

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    How to Improve the Spalling Resistance of Low Cement Castables?

    In order to improve the spalling resistance of low cement castables, we can add a certain amount of silicon carbide to low cement castables. This can significantly improve the thermal shock stability of low cement castables in the face of rapid cooling and heating. Due to the high thermal conductivity of silicon carbide, the amount of silicon carbide added must be strictly controlled. When too much silicon carbide is added, the overall thermal expansion coefficient of the low cement castable will increase, which is not conducive to the thermal shock stability of the low cement castable. LOW CEMENT SILICON CARBIDE CASTABLE AL2O3 48%.SIC 30%. During construction, the amount of silicon carbide added needs to be strictly controlled. Reduce the thermal stress caused by the high thermal conductivity of silicon carbide on the low cement castable, so that the low cement castable has good thermal shock stability when subjected to thermal shock. Low cement silicon carbide castable-high spalling resistance.

    Characteristics and Application of Low Cement Castables

    Low cement castables, as the name implies, are castables with low cement content. Low cement dosage means low calcium content. Low calcium content means low pores and stronger corrosion resistance.

    Low cement castables are divided into aluminum silicate, mullite, corundum, magnesium aluminum, quartz, carbon-containing and silicon carbide low cement castables. Low cement castables of different materials have different uses. Silicon carbide low cement castables are divided into furnace iron ditch castables and steelmaking ladle castables.

    The most common low cement castable is aluminum silicate, that is, high aluminum low cement castable. The cement content of high aluminum low cement castable is between 3% and 6%. If the cement addition is 1%, it is an ultra-low cement castable. There is also cement-free castable.

    Clay and high-alumina low-cement castables are mostly used in heating furnaces and soaking furnaces, and are also used in some parts of the lining of heat treatment furnaces and rotary kilns for building materials. Low-cement castables can also be used in high-temperature burner linings, heating furnace water cooling pipe wrapping linings, blast furnace tapping channels, cupola tapping troughs, integral powder spray guns for molten iron pretreatment, and other linings.

    Corundum Spinel Low Cement Castable
    Corundum Spinel Low Cement Castable

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      Corundum and chromium-containing corundum low-cement castables are used for linings of certain parts of steel refining devices outside the furnace. They are also used for the lining of power frequency induction furnaces, high-temperature wear-resistant linings of petrochemical catalytic cracking reactors, etc.

      Low-cement castables are also constantly updated by manufacturers to meet the actual needs of different furnace conditions. At present, many manufacturers use micro-powder and ultra-micro-powder technology. The result of cement combination and micro-powder technology is high strength. During use, as the heating temperature increases, the strength gradually increases.

      It should be noted that the air permeability of low-cement castables is poor, and it is easy to cause peeling or cracking during baking. A reasonable baking system should be formulated according to its material, construction thickness and construction location. At the same time, metal aluminum powder, organic fiber, etc. can also be added to the castable. Make it easier to discharge moisture. Increase the service life of low-cement refractory castables.

      Low Cement Castable Refractory Materials Manufacturer
      Low Cement Castable Refractory Materials Manufacturer

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        Improve the Fluidity of Low-Cement Castables

        Low-cement castables are mainly divided into vibration type and self-flowing type. The ingredients of vibration type low-cement castables are 60%~70% refractory aggregate, 18%~22% refractory powder, 3%~7% calcium aluminate cement, and 3%~6% silica powder. The ingredients of self-flowing low-cement castables are similar to the former, but the difference is reflected in the particle size and micro-powder content. Generally speaking, too much micro-material will affect the physical properties of the castable, and the micro-powder content is suitable at 5%~6%.

        SiC low-cement castable is a type of refractory castable with SiC as the main raw material and calcium aluminate cement as the binder. In low-cement castables, SiC can form a silicon oxide protective film on the surface in air with high oxygen partial pressure, with excellent performance and can be used as high-temperature structural materials. However, carbon-containing refractory materials used below 1550℃ use the characteristics of silicon carbide that is continuously oxidized under low oxygen partial pressure.

        However, there are also the following problems in the production of low-cement castables containing silicon carbide.

        1. Hydrophobicity. Silicon carbide in the castable will affect the fluidity and construction performance of the castable and reduce the density.
        2. Difficult to sinter. When using silicon carbide with higher purity, it is difficult to sinter because silicon carbide is difficult to sinter. Therefore, it is not easy to obtain high strength.

        Since the hydrophobicity of silicon carbide will have an adverse effect on fluidity, in order to improve the fluidity of refractory castables, it is necessary to select raw materials with little effect on fluidity for production. For example, by changing the shape of raw material particles and adjusting the type of water reducer, the fluidity of low-cement castables can be effectively improved.

        To purchase high-quality low-cement refractory castables, please choose a powerful refractory manufacturer. Rongsheng Refractory Factory is a powerful refractory manufacturer. LOW CEMENT SILICON CARBIDE CASTABLE AL2O3 48%.SIC 30%. RS factory’s environmentally friendly, fully automatic monolithic refractory production line specializes in providing monolithic refractory services for high-temperature industrial furnaces. Customized lining materials. Contact us for free refractory lining solutions and quotes.

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          Refractory Brick Precast Blocks – Castable Precast Bricks

          Refractory brick precast blocks are carefully prepared from refractory aggregates, powders, binders, additives, water, or other liquids, and are cast into unshaped refractory materials with a fixed shape. Monolithic vault for the furnace. According to the binding agent, it is divided into refractory cement bonding, phosphate bonding, water glass bonding, cementless bonding, etc. According to the material, it can be divided into high alumina, corundum, clay, mullite, etc.

          Castable precast bricks can be prefabricated into various shapes, also called castable refractory precast shapes. Good thermal shock stability, high strength and good peeling resistance. No seams, good air tightness, less heat loss and energy saving. It can quickly repair the kiln and improve the furnace operation rate. It can realize direct hoisting and mechanized furnace construction, and the construction efficiency is high. Using Monolithic vault for the furnace can solve some technical problems in the furnace-building process for users. Rongsheng refractory material manufacturer can consider lining design and various construction plans for users according to their requirements and furnace type conditions.

          Precast Shapes with Refractory Anchor Bricks
          Precast Shapes with Refractory Anchor Bricks

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            Rongsheng Refractory Brick Precast Block Manufacturer

            Rongsheng company has complete products and timely delivery. After-sales service is guaranteed. Castable refractory precast parts are gradually replacing the functions of refractory bricks with their irreplaceable advantages. Under the contemporary green environmental protection initiative, the production technology of refractory bricks is facing severe constraints of low-carbon environment. While the firing process is being updated and improved step by step from raw coal to coal-based gas, and then to natural gas, refractory materials are moving towards burning-free, lightweight, and high-usage production technology. As refractory products serve as high-temperature-resistant lining products in high-temperature industries, they serve the high-temperature parts of kiln linings such as steel, chemical industry, and thermal power. Therefore, continuous improvement and research and development are carried out to cope with the harsh working environment conditions of large furnace linings. This in turn increases the service life of the furnace lining. Its biggest advantage is that it can be pre-baked and directly hoisted, so the construction period is greatly shortened and the quality is stable. In recent years, the proportion of refractory brick precast shapes parts used in some special kiln parts is increasing. Monolithic vault for the furnace. Refractory brick precast parts are divided into small pieces in advance to be constructed in high-temperature kilns, and a special shape is designed. A mold is made according to the shape. The refractory castables and other materials are pre-cast, cured, and baked in the factory before being shipped to the factory. Use after hanging and assembling on site.

            The baking of existing refractory brick prefabricated blocks generally adopts a temperature control method. During baking, several temperature measurement points are arranged in the drying kiln and a baking curve is preset. The baking curve includes multiple heating sections and holding sections. By monitoring the temperature of the temperature measurement point, the baking system is carried out according to the preset baking curve. This control method is simple and easy to implement, and is currently the main control method for baking refractory precast parts and even other materials. Refractory brick precast parts are prone to bursting during the baking process. It manifests as the castable suddenly and violently peeling off from its structural surface or exploding into several fragments. Higher or faster baking temperatures cause preforms to burst. In addition to the normal discharge of moisture during baking, due to the higher or faster baking temperature, a negative effect occurs, that is, excessive water vapor pressure causes the preform to burst.

            Rongsheng Refractory Brick Precast Block
            Rongsheng Refractory Brick Precast Block

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              Burn-free Refractory Castable Precast Bricks

              The compressive strength of unfired precast refractory bricks after demoulding can reach 55MPa. This is equivalent to the compressive strength of sintered high alumina bricks, which also has a certain degree of elasticity and toughness. The refractory resistance is the same as that of sintered refractory bricks, which can reach 1750°C, and can resist certain corrosion and penetration.

              Refractory brick precast blocks can be used directly depending on the material. The creep performance changes as the furnace temperature increases to achieve a tighter use effect. Monolithic vault for the furnace. Castable precast blocks are divided into aluminate cement, water glass, aluminum phosphate, clay bonded and low cement precast blocks according to the binder. According to weight, they are divided into large, medium and small precast blocks. Precast shapes blocks are equipped with steel bars and anchors, so they are divided into ordinary precast shapes blocks, steel bar precast blocks and anchor precast blocks.

              Differences between Castable Precast Block Furnace Cover and Refractory Bricks Furnace Cover

              The traditional smelting electric furnace cover is made of about 30 kinds of special-shaped bricks and about 2,900 electric furnace top refractory bricks. The construction method using refractory bricks has the disadvantages of high construction difficulty, long construction period, serious deformation, poor thermal stability, and high energy consumption. The traditional high-alumina bricks for electric furnace lids can no longer meet the production application of high-power and ultra-high-power electric furnaces, and have become a “bottleneck” restricting production. Nowadays, cast-type electric furnaces cover precast bricks with high density, strong thermal shock resistance and good corrosion resistance are used as the main raw material. According to the size, thickness and shape of each electric furnace cover, high-aluminum castables are used for the furnace cover. After pouring, curing and baking, they are transported to the site for direct installation and use. Practice has proved that this kind of precast block shape made of refractory castables according to the overall size and shape of the furnace cover is not only easy to install, but also has good integrity, fast and efficient.

              Castable Precast Block Furnace Cover
              Castable Precast Block Furnace Cover

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                Thermal Stress Distribution of Precast Furnace Cover Block

                In the electric furnace production process, the period from the start of power supply to the time when all the charge is melted is called the melting period. During the melting period, more than 3/4 of the charge is melted, and the heat in the furnace can no longer be shielded by the charge. At this time, the arc high-temperature areas in the furnace have been connected into one piece, and the furnace cover is completely exposed to the hot molten metal and is subject to the greatest thermal shock. Most of the damage to the furnace cover and furnace walls occurs at this stage.

                There is no direct contact between the furnace cover and the molten metal. At the end of the melting stage, the heat generated by the molten metal is transferred to the inner wall of the furnace lid through radiation. The outer wall is exposed to the air and transfers heat mainly through natural convection heat exchange with the air. Therefore, the thermal analysis temperature load and boundary conditions of the furnace cover mainly involve thermal radiation and convection heat transfer. During the analysis process, the thermal radiation effect on the inner wall of the furnace lid is equivalent to a temperature load of 1750°C, which is applied to the entire inner wall of the furnace lid. For the natural convection between the furnace cover and the air, the temperature of the air is taken to be 25°C, and the convection heat transfer coefficient with the air is set according to the value of l0-3/(ts K). Finally, it can be seen from the thermal analyzer that the temperatures of the refractory brick electric furnace cover and the castable precast electric furnace cover are equivalent. The temperature field changes of the electric furnace cover made of refractory bricks and precast blocks of cast furnace cover are smaller. And the highest temperature is distributed in the part of the inner wall of the furnace cover that is close to the molten metal, and the lowest temperature is distributed in the part where the central cover and the air convection heat exchange.

                It can be seen from the thermal analyzer that the maximum thermal stress of the furnace cover is distributed in the center area of ​​the vertical line with the molten metal, at the edge of the wall or the inner wall of the feeding hole, and at the bottom edge of the furnace cover. The minimum stress is distributed on the top of the center cover, and its average thermal stress pressure is about 3.5MPa. Far lower than AL2O3, the material’s yield stress meets the usage requirements. Therefore, the solution of using castable precast block furnace cover is feasible, and can greatly save installation time and reduce labor intensity.

                Electric Arc Furnace Roof Precast Block
                Electric Arc Furnace Roof Precast Block

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                  Conclusion on the Use of Precast Shapes Blocks for Furnace Cover

                  • (1) There is little difference in the thermal stress level when using castable precast block furnace cover and refractory brick masonry furnace cover. But the former saves costs and has high installation efficiency.
                  • (2) There are several points that need to be paid attention to when making furnace covers made of castable precast blocks. In the current experiment, high-aluminum castables of the same material as high-alumina bricks were used. However, during use, it was found that the furnace cover made of high-aluminum castables is relatively deficient in resistance to corrosion by molten metal and slag splash, thermal shock stability of the furnace cover, and resistance to corrosion by CO in the flue gas.
                  • (3) The use of castable precast shapes furnace covers in electric furnace production fully demonstrates that under the same thermal stress distribution, the cost of use is lower than that of high alumina bricks. And in future development and applications, high-grade material castables can be used to make electric furnace cover bricks.

                  Rongsheng Refractory Materials is a refractory material manufacturer with rich production and sales experience. Our refractory products have been sold to more than 100 countries and regions around the world. In the production and use of unshaped refractory castables, we can customize lining material formulas for high-temperature industrial furnaces to effectively solve the problems of refractory linings. At the same time, our refractory precast shapes products also have many customer cases. Contact us to get a free quote and solution for Monolithic vault for the furnace.

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